Breast Cancer Skin Symptoms: Recognize the Warning Signs


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time to educate ourselves about this prevalent and potentially life-threatening disease. While most people associate breast cancer with lumps and mammograms, it's important to recognize that breast cancer can manifest with skin changes, too. Did you know breast cancer can present itself with skin-related symptoms like redness, dimpling, or rashes? Consistently performing self-examinations and seeking advice from a dermatologist when you notice changes in your skin are critical.

Redness: One of the subtle signs of breast cancer is unexplained, persistent redness or inflammation on the skin of the breast. This redness may resemble a rash, and it might not go away with time or topical treatment.

Dimpling: Skin dimpling, also known as "orange peel skin" or "peau d'orange," is another skin change that can indicate breast cancer. It occurs when the breast skin takes on a dimpled or textured appearance, similar to the surface of an orange. This change can happen due to underlying breast tumors affecting the connective tissue.

Rashes: While breast rashes can be caused by various factors, such as allergies or dermatitis, they can also be a sign of underlying breast cancer. These rashes may be itchy, painful, or red, and they can appear suddenly or persist for an extended period of time.

Regular breast self-exams are a crucial part of breast cancer awareness and early detection. Perform self-exams monthly to become familiar with your breasts' normal appearance, shape and texture.

If you observe any concerning changes, including skin changes, it's essential to get it examined by a dermatologist, OBGYN, or your Primary Care Doctor. They can conduct a thorough evaluation, order necessary tests like mammograms or biopsies, and determine the appropriate course of action.

Breast cancer awareness extends beyond mammograms and detecting breast lumps. Redness, dimpling, or rashes may also serve as potential indicators. Consistently performing self-examinations and seeking guidance from a dermatologist regarding any concerning skin symptoms are vital measures for early detection and optimizing one's chances of success in the battle against breast cancer. Maintain vigilance, stay well-informed, and make your breast health a top priority!


If you're noticing redness, dimpling, or rashes on your breast or have other skin questions, call our office at 401-415-8586 or request a consultation with Dr. Findley today.


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